Thursday, September 30, 2010

Does the internet filter liberal press for conservative journalist?

Brent Bozell says "15 years ago, conservatives couldn't expect fair shake in the media." 
This article from CNN is written by Brent Bozell who is the president of the Media Research Center and the founder of In this article he talks about how back in the mid 1990's that the media was liberal bias and how it was poisoning the public discourse to a point where conservatives could not put their side of an issue on the table. Brent  does a good job giving evidence to his statement by talking about an interview between former CBS anchor Dan Rather and the top-rated conservative radio talk show host in Denver, Colorado , Mike Rosen. In this interview Rather says they tried to give both liberals and conservatives an equal share in news that CBS reported. Rosen then argued against this by bringing up the "Mediscare" campaign and how the press clearly had a liberal bias by echoing the Democratic line that Republicans wanted to cut medicare coverage, which was simply false. Rather was then put into a corner after several other facts were presented which he responded by hanging up. Brent then goes to say that there were few conservative magazines and newspapers and that they stood no chance as they had maybe a tenth of the audience that a television news network had.
Even though this article is based on events that occurred around 1995 which would make me four years old knowing nothing about politics, i do agree with Brent's article as he provides sufficient data and evidence to back his statements up. I think his audience would be the general public but leaning towards conservatives as he is informing how the media can be bias toward one political party over the other.

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